Resin color options
Color Options
Discover a multitude of colour options for your jewellery
The photo below is to show you the basic colours available in the sparkle mix range.
If you have a particular color or colors in mind and you can't see it below, please reach out to April and explain the color.
If you have a particular color or colors in mind and you can't see it below, please reach out to April and explain the color.
Also, add this information to the COMMENTS section of your order.
Please keep an open mind on color choices and note the following
NOTE: All colors will vary depending on your inclusions in the stones.
All colors will vary depending on your inclusions in the stones
A color will look different if it has say Hair in it to how it will look with Ashes in it
A color may look different with Crystals, Crushed Glass or petals etc in it
Consider how translucent or opaque you want the color to be
Consider what level of visibility you want the ashes or other inclusions
If unsure, chat with April